Making It Practical

It is very easy to create a roulette computer that works well at home in front of your TV or your own wheel. After all, you can control variables such as how often the wheel spins. But the real casino environment is very different – sometimes you need to wait 5 minutes between spins, some dealers spin the ball far too slow to target a specific ball speed (as you need with basic computers), you need to evade the casino’s wireless scanners and much more. Below are the main practicality issues for roulette computer play.

Time of Application

One of the most frustrating issues you will face is the time delay between spins. Typically you will need 30-60 spins per direction before the computer has learned enough about the wheel before you can “safely” start profiting. With most computers this takes 1-3 hours or even longer when the casino is very busy. However, play will almost always be profitable after just only 10 spins – in this case, the edge starts small and increases over time.

Getting Predictions in Time

This was also discussed in the Getting Early Predictions section. Whatever you can imagine can be done with manual clocking computers is done by our Uber version computer. It is the only roulette computer available anywhere to have these capabilities. Some of them were demonstrated in a public demonstration (see videos page for the recording).

Avoiding Detection

Full details of how our roulette computers avoid detection is only explained to actual players. But basic details are in the Avoiding Detection section. Even if a computer works at home in front of your TV, it is useless if you are detected in a casino, so remaining undetected is essential.
If you’ve read and understood all the pages about how to make a roulette computer, see the roulette computer comparisons page to understand what makes each roulette computer different