Roulette Computer Scam Warnings

We are not the only developers of roulette computer technology. There are a few others, and unfortunately they rely on blatant manipulation to sell computers instead of improving their technology. You’ll need to do thorough research to understand the full extent of the manipulation. But even if you spend hours trying to determine fact from fiction, you probably still wont know what to believe. We suggest focus on what matters most.
Gambling system sellers are notoriously dishonest. Roulette computer sellers are no different. Never accept sales material or anyone’s word as proof of anything. Understand unscrupulous sellers tell you whatever they must. Treat every claim with suspicion and do thorough research. Ask the right questions and eventually the picture becomes clear.
Everything you need to know the truth is easily obtained without any risk. If you aren’t smart enough to figure it out, you probably won’t succeed with any roulette computer.
Carefully read the Frequently Asked Questions where we address some of the more relevant false claims computer sellers make about their technology.

Make It Simple: See a Demo On Any Wheel

Knowing the truth about our computers is simple. Just test them for free or see a demonstration. You can also bring other computers to demos for comparison. We’ve been sent other computers for free by our players so we can even bring those for comparison.
We want you to be sure our computers are what we say. So if you see a demo on our wheels, they will be disassembled so you see there are no magnets. And if you really want to be sure, bring your own wheel or even recorded spins from your local casino.
Again the truth is easy to find. There’s no reasonable test we will refuse. We accurately represent our technology and there’s nothing to hide. You are also welcome to bring other devices to compare.

Not Telling The Full Story Is Deceptive

One particular vendor sent his computer to a casino consultant for testing. There were two parts of the test. The first part involved testing on a “tilted” and easily beaten wheel. The consultant gave positive feedback indicating the predictions were accurate. The computer seller publishes these positive comments on his website.
The second test was on a typical modern wheel that’s in good condition. The results were very poor. But the computer seller doesn’t publish what the casino consultant said. Some of his comments are below:
The device has not shown that it has sufficient, if any, predictive capabilities to overcome the other factors, which govern the final result after successful strike-point prediction against a wheel with random ball exit-point characteristics
Time will tell if there is a viable threat to modern well-maintained roulette wheels but at this stage the FF device is not it.
It is not me saying that your device doesn’t predict enough, it’s not me saying that the predictions are close to random, it’s not me saying that the predictions are too late to be practical. It is an intelligent adult who has your PowerPoint presentation and video plus some tips from me. I am reporting what he reports to me.
You are not averaging 25% on turnover on a random wheel and nor are any of your purchasers, please don’t insult me by insisting that you are.
Can you honestly tell me that FF has produced a significant long term profit for you?
I am frustrated because I believed the device would at least show promise in the testers hands. I felt foolish for having them waste their time at my recommendation.
I asked:- “Is there a consistent correlation between the prediction_zap and the number under the ball just prior to it entering the rotor?”
The reply was:- “From my testing, no better than random, full report a couple of days away. I would like to try a different wheel, just to make sure. “
The casino consultant posted the following on the computer seller’s forum:
None of the people on this forum are able to get an edge in the real world, if they were, they would also keep their mouths shut.
At what stage do we call it a dud, how much more time are you prepared to invest?
Miro, I simply don’t have the time or inclination to test this device myself, it’s simply a case of where my time is best spent.
I have no hesitation in eating my words and apologizing publicly if you and he are able to get a result.
By using me on your website and spreading my name all over industry forums and anywhere else that you thought it would help you, you left me no choice but to report what I found
The only tests you should are ever trust are ones you do yourself. Trusting any sales material or hype is bound to get you scammed. See a personal demo of our computers on any wheel you want.

Common Deception In Demo Videos

Most videos should not be considered conclusive proof of anything. A video can be re-filmed as many times as is needed, and some results can be mere chance. This is why my videos follow strict guidelines. For example, one video specifies how many spins will be done before the demonstration commences. You can see the obvious measures I’ve taken to validate the authenticity of my videos. You can decide for yourself if they are genuine.

Typical “video tricks” used by manipulative sellers:

  • Multiple favorable video segments cut and joined: a seller may only show the impressive parts of their video.
  • Video relatively short: short-term results are proof of nothing.
  • Generating charts of raw/untuned predictions, picking the best peak, then claiming its proof of the computer’s effectiveness: This is no different to throwing a ball, waiting for it to land, then saying you knew it would land there.
  • Predicting which diamond will be hit at the end of spins instead of immediately after the prediction: One vendor has his computer predict the diamond after the diamond is already hit. He is not exactly inputting the hit diamond, but what he does is continue clocking the ball to near the end of the spin so the computer can better predict which diamond will be hit. Additionally, the offset (tuning distance) is much the same for both of the dominant diamonds. This means that no matter which of the two diamonds are hit, the ball will still usually travel the same distance. Combined, this is extremely misleading and gives the illusion of diamond hit prediction accuracy.

Things to Check in Demonstration Videos

  • Ball bounce / scatter: if the ball tends to solidly hit a diamond and bounces a predictable distance, such a wheel is extremely easy to beat. On these kind of wheels, you can easily achieve the same accuracy without any electronic device.
  • Dominant diamonds: a wheel with either 1 or 2 dominant diamonds is much easier to beat, especially when they are right next to each other. In my public demonstration (see videos), the wheel had 3 dominant diamonds that were evenly spread around the wheel, and the ball bounces in much the same way as modern casino wheels, because we used the latest John Huxley roulette wheel.
  • Rapid ball deceleration: The more rapidly the ball decelerates, the easier it is to predict. This is because there is a greater difference in speeds between each revolution, so it is much easier for the computer to determine one revolution from another. On a typical used roulette wheel that is easily beaten, the difference between one revolution and another is about 250ms at the time of prediction. On a new wheel like the one in our public demo, the difference between ball revolution timings at the point of prediction was 90ms.
  • Teflon ball: Teflon balls are plain white and tend not to bounce much at all. In our latest demo videos, including the public demonstration video, we use an ivorine ball which is far bouncier and more difficult to predict.
  • Time of predictions: If the prediction is very late in the spin, you may have high accuracy, but in a real casino, no more bets will be called before you can bet. In ideal conditions, you usually have predictions no less than 7 seconds before the ball falls. In our public demo video, where there is no room for multiple attempts, our predictions are obtained approximately 13 seconds before the ball falls.
In every video demo from other vendors, we suggest learn basic visual ballistic methods and computer algorithms and use them on the footage. Then you will see for yourself how easy it is to achieve the same level of accuracy, without using a roulette computer.